We just want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to everyone who took time to serve their community. A big thank you to everyone who spent their time at Bless a Baby on Mandela Day 2019 the 18th of July.
Here’s how we shared Mandela Day 2019 at Bless a Baby.
We invited South Africans, community members, schools, churches and companies to volunteer 67minutes of their time on Mandela Day 2019 for Bless a Baby. Volunteers would help out in the workroom or help out at their premises sorting through donations and packing bags.
We had many different initiatives during the whole week surrounding Mandela Day. We had so much fun being part of each one. Have a look at the picture below.
Thank you for all your Mandela Day 2019 donations
A big THANK YOU for all your 67 product donations we received. It will ensure we have beautifully packed bags for the next few weeks.
Your donations will surely make a world of difference in the lives of less-fortunate South African moms and newborns this winter.
We are looking forward to next years Mandela Day and meeting and working together with more friends of Bless a Baby!
You can still make donations via PayFast our secure online payment system. Product donations, especially our MOST NEEDED ITEMS: 0-3 baby-clothes and Receiving Blankets, can be delivered to the Workroom Monday to Saturday during operating times.
Our hearts are full and grateful! Thank you for taking hands with us. See you next year again!